Three-Course Specialization

The blueprint on how to achieve influence

For your students, this 60-hour, neuroscience-based specialization in Interpersonal Intelligence is the masterclass on understanding how their brain’s process information and how they can use this to better themselves, their teams, and their organizations.

Students will first learn about the four neurological thinking preferences, helping them to develop a deeper sense of self-awareness and identify environments in which they will thrive. They will then leverage this knowledge to improve both their written and verbal communication, two skills that are fundamental to success in business.

Next, students will learn how to build high-performing teams and develop innovative ideas based on neurological diversity, the idea that individuals think differently than one another. Understanding this type of diversity is the perfect complement to our world’s focus on all other forms of diversity.

Finally, students will develop the skill to recognize cognitive abilities and preferences in others, helping them refine an authentic leadership approach that motivates and influences diverse teams, both essential in the modern workplace.

Course #1 - Presenting & Writing with Influence
Achieve influence in any situation

Students are asked to present case studies and projects often, both verbally and through written communication. As they enter our fast-paced business world, they will be bombarded with emails and messages and will be expected to communicate effectively in all mediums.

But how are they going to influence their colleagues, coworkers, or executives – cause them to think, feel, or act differently? The answer is in neuroscience.

In this course, we challenge misleading public speaking techniques, debunk communication myths, and introduce students to our innovative, science-based approach.

Hundreds of top executives have developed this skill using our science-based approach, and we are now bringing it to the classroom for the next generation.

Your students will learn exactly what their audience needs from them and will develop an approach that works across all mediums, in which the communication is clear, concise, and consistently achieves action.

Delivery options

This 20-hour course is delivered in six 3.5-hour sessions over three days, either virtually or in-person.

Who needs this
  • Undergraduate students who need to develop foundational communication skills
  • Graduate students who must achieve action by influencing diverse audiences


Learning outcomes
  • How to organize your thinking and clearly define communication goals
  • Knowledge of the neurological thinking preferences and what your audience needs from you
  • How to refine your communication approach to suit diverse audiences
  • How to ensure messages are being read and understood in the way you intend
  • How to use plain language to increase reader engagement and achieve influence
Course #2 - Building Collaborative Teams & Innovative Thinking
Create diverse environments where all can thrive

Diversity is important in all its forms, and today’s students are faced with the complex task of understanding and supporting diverse individuals from around the world.

But how are they going to understand and support those that are different than them? The answer is the idea of neurological diversity, or that we think differently than one another.

In these sessions, students will learn how neurological preferences drive their behavior and how they can further develop their ability to work with others. They’ll discover how to immediately improve team collaboration and build high-performing, resilient teams by leveraging neurological diversity.

They will also explore the link between their own neurological preferences and their conceptual thinking abilities, and learn how to apply a framework that supports innovative thinking in complex corporate and technical environments.

Your students will develop the abilities to create environments in which innovative thinking is truly supported and diversity is recognized and celebrated.

Delivery options

This 20-hour course is delivered in six 3.5-hour sessions over three days, either virtually or in-person.

Who needs this
  • Undergraduate students who need to develop foundational communication skills
  • Graduate students who must achieve action by influencing diverse audiences
Learning outcomes
  • How to overcome your neurological bias to encourage effective collaboration
  • How to create an environment that encourages cognitive diversity
  • An understanding of how neurological preferences support or limit innovative thinking
  • How to differentiate between rational and intuitive information processing
  • How to develop creativity through the process of applied innovation
Course #3 - Leading with Influence & Empathy
Develop the next generation of world leaders

We all know the evolution towards a more human-centric leadership approach requires profound awareness of ourselves and others to create team environments that are truly inclusive and supportive.

But how are your students going to develop their own approach that supports the needs of a diverse team? The answer is a deep understanding of cognitive diversity.

In this course, students will increase awareness of who they are and how they are perceived by others by building upon the knowledge of their own neurological thinking preferences and how to create high-performing teams using neurodiversity.

Your students will learn how to develop an authentic leadership approach that motivates diverse teams and supports the individual needs of their people.

Delivery options

This 20-hour course is delivered in six 3.5-hour sessions over three days, either virtually or in-person.

Who needs this
  • Undergraduate students who need to develop foundational communication skills
  • Graduate students who must achieve action by influencing diverse audiences
Learning outcomes
  • How to differentiate between sympathy, empathy, and compassion to better understand and support others
  • How to create an environment that supports empathetic leadership
  • An awareness of our neurological strengths and limitations
  • How to identify sources of misunderstanding and conflict
  • How to recognize cognitive abilities and preferences in yourself and others

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We believe that truly effective interpersonal training must be credible, relevant and immediately effective.

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